Oct 29, 2008

Halloween Controversy

I think that banning Halloween costumes for that school is very good because that boy decided to wear Adolph Hitler, and that can be very offensive to the Jewish people, or many others. I also don't think it's quite fair to all the other students that did not do anything wrong, but hopefully banning it for at least a year or two will make the kids not dress inappropriate for school.

Oct 22, 2008

CARLS ( journal )

One memory I will probably never ever forget is when Carli and I decided to cut each others hair. Our parents were together that day so Conor and Bo were "baby-sitting" us. So we went to her room and I started to cut her bangs then she wanted to cut mine so I let her, and a few seconds later Conor walked in to check on us and he saw all the hair on the floor. After Conor called our parents they were there in no time. (literally) We had to have a little talk about how we don't cut each others hair and only the barbies. Later on that day we went to my house to play and stay the night, and we kind of decided to cut our hair one more time, but we got caught and didn't get to. Ha those were the days. I MISS THEM :(

Oct 15, 2008


I don't think it is that bad about not having a bonfire because kids act EXTREMELY crazy so i understand not having a bonfire. I know the Seniors are mad over it because its their Senior year, but what would they do if someone like Creede or Michael got pushed in it. They would all have a cow and wouldn't play good the next day. For future reference i think it would be really cool to have powder puff football, where the Senior girls and Junior girls go against each other. That would be a good idea, and it would be fun to watch.

Oct 14, 2008


I wish there were a law that said Colby had to be with me forever. This would be a good law because I want to be with him forever! But he broke up with me yesterday for going out to eat with Kassandra, Ethan and some guy named Matt. :( Gosh silly guys these days, but it is hard to just forget him and to move on because we have been together for over a year. So just a heads up to other girls don't fall for stupid guys so young. That was my worst mistake, but no i do NOT regret it at ALL.